There are different ways to gain experience and it differs from each player.

1.) Players whom attack the enemy first will see the health gauge of the monster and all others will not be able to see the health gauge.

2.) Players whom attack the enemy first will gain the experience points when he/she damages the monster for more than 40% of its health and the idle time is less than 5 seconds. (Other players will not get the XP) Also, he/she will have the priority of acquiring the item for 10 seconds.

3. Even if the player attacks the monster first and damages more than 40% of their health, when the idle time is more than 5 seconds, he/she will lose the priority of the XP/item. The last player to attack the monster will have the priority of the XP/item.


Level difference with monsters XP gained
-∞1 ~ ±10
±11 ~ ±20
±21 ~ ±30
±31 ~ +∞

Players can earn experience by killing a monster and here is how it works.

First of all, when the monster dies, there is a rule for distributing XP to each player. By adding all players’ lvl in the party and dividing that into the # of players in the party, players will gain the first XP by comparing their lvl with monsters.

How XP applies
Level difference with avg. party lvl XP gained
-∞1 ~ ±10
±11 ~ ±20
±21 ~ ±30
±31 ~ +∞

When the calculation is done, players can once again compare the # of players in the party and the last player to attack the monster to estimate the final XP amount.

How XP applies
# of Party XP earned Money earned
First XP earned
changed to Final XP

XP earned by each player Player who earned the money All Others
2 120% 120% / 2 Money/# of players party + rest Money/# of players party
3 140% 140% / 3
4 160% 160% / 4
5 180% 180% / 5
6 200% 200% / 6