Once the players reached level 20 with his/her character, he/she can now rank up
to a higher class and also learn 4 new 2nd stage skills by completing a rank-up
quest. Rank-up quest requires a player to hunt 3 types of wolverines and get items
from each of them. (Horn, Claw, Tail) After a player kills all 3 wolverines, he/she
can take the items to the skill master for a rank-up. (For now, only Temskrons have
a rank-up quest)
1. Once a player reaches level 20 with his/her character, visit the skill master
in Ricarten and click on the rank-up icon
2. Read skill master’s rank-up quest carefully and press confirm icon.
3. Once the confirm is done, a player can now make his/her way to the rank-up quest
by hunting wolverines.
4. By pressing [Q] button or clicking a quest icon, a player can confirm that he/she
is now on his/her quest.
1. Once the confirm is done, a player can now make his/her way to the rank-up quest
by hunting wolverines.
2. Once the confirm is done, a player can now make his/her way to the rank-up quest
by hunting wolverines.
1. Go back to Ricarten and visit the skill master.
2. Decide whether you wish to redestribute the skill points. (Please read the redistribution
notice on bottom)
3. Once the rank-up quest is completed, a player will get a head gear symbolizing
the rank-up quest and become eligible for 2nd stage skills